Tuesday, October 25, 2016

It Takes A Village

He's here!! Cooper William DeArmond was born at 1:18PM on Monday October 17th.  You guys Cooper's birth story is a testament to the power of prayer!  Little brother arrived at 35 weeks and 2 days yet he weighed 8lbs 9oz and was 21 3/4 in long. I was talking with the neonatologist a few days after his birth and she was telling me that he was just meant to be big (I did not have any gestational diabetes so he is literally just our big preemie!)  How incredible is that?!  Thanks to some crazy genetics and Such an answer to prayer!

On the morning of Cooper's birth, Blake arrived early to the hospital to be with me as I prepared and awaited our surgery time.  I had a cesarean with Beau so Cooper would be delivered via cesarean as well.  The surgery time was a bit up in the air as we awaited news of any other cancellations that morning, however we knew we would meet our little guy by lunch time.  My mother in law drove over to our house early that morning to be with Beau so a Blake could be with me.  We kept everyone posted as we waited to go down to pre op.  I had already been in the hospital for over 4 weeks so I was anxious to get the party started.  My mom arrived at the hospital mid morning and around 11AM they wheeled me down to pre op.  We sent out messages letting everyone know it was almost go time so that they could head over to the hospital and around 12:15 Blake and I sent final messages that I was about to walk in to surgery.  Since this was not my first cesarean I mostly knew what to expect and with that came the memories of the extreme nausea I had during and after Beau's delivery.  So I begged this anesthesiologist to give me ALL the anti nausea meds. I walked in and climbed up onto the cold steel table ready for my spinal and SO excited to meet the little man that had been keeping me company for all those months and long days in the hospital. He was my little buddy and I just couldn't wait to officially meet him.  I prayed as I layed down and continued to pray as Blake walked in and we were on our way! 

The surgery was long as I ended up with severe scar tissue from my first cesarean.  An unknown until we were there in surgery.  But Cooper came out doing well!! It was an incredibly emotional experience and I was so overjoyed to find out that I would be able to have some time with him before he would have to go to NICU. So while the doctors worked on closing me up etc, Blake went with Cooper to our room to wait on me to be wheeled back to them. These minutes were SO long. All the anti nausea meds did not do their job and I was sick. All the scar tissue meant longer than typical close out and I was very ready to be with my baby.  But the time came and at last I got to have some skin to skin time with Cooper and we got to practice nursing. Such an answer to prayer.  I had told all doctors and nurses how I truly desired to have this time with our baby before surgery and glory be to God that Cooper came out stable and able to have this time with me.  

After our skin to skin time Cooper left to be monitored at NICU. They needed to keep an eye on his blood sugars.  His lungs were functioning perfectly and due to his size he was regulating his body temp well! Yay! His first blood sugar reported borderline so he was hooked up to a nasal feeding tube.  This meant he would get formula through a tube that went straight to his tummy.  Blake stayed with Cooper at the NICU all afternoon while I continued to recover. Unfortunately those first hours after surgery were rough.  I was throwing up and my blood pressure had spiked after surgery which meant the nurses would not allow visitors to see me.  

The good news is, we overcame those rough recovery hours! We allowed the NICU to give Cooper a bottle which meant his feeding tube came out.  And since my milk wasn't in yet, he was still on formula but grew stronger by the day.  On Wednesday, 2 days after delivery, Cooper was released to my hospital room for in room care! It was the best day!! No more hobbling over to the NICU for feedings and having to leave him.  And goodness my heart goes out to all NICU mommies and daddies.  Blake and I both met some of the strongest parents, some who had very sick, very small babies who had spent endless months separated from their babies.  What strength it takes to walk that long road and I'm so humbled by each and every individual story. 

Thursday afternoon, we were officially released from the hospital!! JOY!  It was a sun filled afternoon and we were home bound.  There truly is no place like home. 

It's been a week and a day since Cooper joined our family and we are so thankful to be recovering at home.  What I know after this entire experience is that it truly does take a village.  Our family has so much gratitude for all those who have prayed, made meals, helped with Beau, sent cards and other sweet gifts, called, sent messages etc! You all are the best and mean so much to us. 

Oh and that village, you continue to support and amaze us!  I have been recovering, and Beau came down with a fever before we were even 1 week in to our new normal. But you know what, we got this! Because of that village and because my husband might just be super man 😁  I love him so very much and it's in these mundane, fever filled, milky messy poopy days that God works on us and strengthens our marriage.  Once again I find myself more in love than ever.

Shout out to Mimi, Nauni and Papi for EVERYTHING!!

Casey (Blake, Beau and Cooper)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Baby's Eve

Tomorrow is the day! I am set for delivery and we will become DeArmond party of 4.  We are very excited with the anticipation of meeting our newest addition.  Thank you all for praying for us and for being on this crazy journey with us!  We will keep everyone updated tomorrow as best we can and welcome all the prayers!!

Casey, Blake and Big brother Beau

Monday, October 10, 2016

Set the Date

Week 34 is here!  I am 34 weeks and 2 days today which means the prayers are working, Praise Jesus!  After arriving and being admitted at 31 weeks, this milestone is a huge accomplishment and blessing for our sweet baby.  Although baby brother will still be delivered prematurely, the doctors consider babies born between 34-36 weeks 'late preterm'.  This does not mean that we are out of the woods but it does mean that baby brother has a stronger chance of a shorter NICU stay.  We are praying he will be able to go home with us when it is time for me to be discharged.  However, there are several variables at play that will determine whether or not this will be possible- all of which we won't know until our little man is born. 

At my last update I had mentioned that my BP had elevated a few times leaving some uncertainty about when I would deliver.  However, after those few elevated readings, my BP settled back down (i.e. I settled back down and tried very hard to stay relaxed) and remained stable.  We made it through the weekend with good to low BP readings.  Baby brother continues to do well and as of my ultrasound this morning, he is in the head down position.  I had a strong feeling he had flipped again after awaking to some painful movements on Saturday night.  This baby is a real mover!  He has now flipped from breech to head down, back to breech and now head down all in 3 weeks.  Honestly, it amazes me how he still has room to do this (My tummy is crowded!!) but yet its another example of God's incredible design. 

Since I am stable and baby brother is thriving, the doctors have agreed to let me wait to deliver until 35 weeks.  I only inquired about this EVERY SINGLE DAY of my hospital stay thus far.  I wanted to make it as long as possible as I know how each day matters for baby.  35 weeks is still early but the doctors are not comfortable letting my pregnancy progress beyond that point as the likelihood of my health deteriorating increases the farther along I remain pregnant.  They can't say for certain that something would or would not happen as we continue to wait to deliver.  Blood pressure issues in pregnancy and preeclampsia can go down hill extremely quickly without much warning and therefore the doctors do not want to test the limits.  I understand their stance.  I also have a strong intuition that everything would be fine if we waited until 36 weeks and remained on my BP meds but am not willing to take that gamble (nor will the doctors allow me to).  I put my faith in the doctors and in their abilities after observing me now for several weeks.  So unless something unexpected occurs, I will deliver on Monday, 10/17 at 35 weeks & 2 days. 

We ask for prayers for a healthy delivery, strong baby- lungs/ breathing, temps, blood sugars etc., short NICU stay (baby will have to go to the NICU as part of the hospital policy- all babies born prior to 36 weeks are required to go to NICU), prayers for peace and release of anxieties as Blake and I prepare to welcome our 2nd baby very soon, prayers for our sweet Beau as he continues to be juggled around while I am in the hospital and for an easy transition to big brother. 

We look forward to an exciting week ahead and I am very much looking forward to my last 1.5-2 weeks (1 week until delivery and 4-5 days to recover) of this hospital stay with the greatest gift at the end! 

Obsessed with garbage cans and throwing anything in sight away! For some reason he doesn't care that mommy thinks it's "yucky, yucky".

The theme of his hospital visits...getting into everything...noticing the trend here?!  And in case you are wondering, he did pull out EVERY.SINGLE.TISSUE.  and then he helped daddy throw them in his favorite trash can LOL.

The play house on mommy's hospital floor.  It doesn't compare to being outside but it's still fun.

Fun in Papi's fire car over the weekend!  Papi retired last week after 48 years of service, so Beau had to get some fun in while he still could.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Day by Day

As of Monday things were fairly same ol same ol...then Tuesday came along.  I was a bit more active on Tuesday, as active as you can be in a hospital room (which is not very active, haha) and ended up with 2-3 elevated BP readings.  The readings were not high but simply higher than I have been running on my meds.  By the evening I was back to my normal status quo readings and went on without thinking much of it.  On Wednesday my high risk doctors came by and voiced their concern about the few readings from the day prior.  Due to this, I continue to be monitored closely and if a trend were to continue, the doctors would prefer to go ahead and deliver early next week versus waiting until 35 weeks.  And if for some reason things were to go down hill, they could potentially deliver as early as this weekend at exactly 34 weeks.  My OB is on call this weekend so she would be the one to deliver me, however she prefers to wait until next week due to staffing in the NICU over the weekend.  The high risk doctors seem very serious about wanting to deliver and have expressed concern about the risk associated with staying pregnant longer.  They know I am willing to take on that risk for the time being as I am still doing well and am strongly wanting to make it to 35 weeks for the sake of our little man.  If I can keep my BP in check then it is looking like they will deliver early during the week of 10/17. 

With these developments, we ask for prayers that my BP would remain stable and low and that it would not elevate for at least 1 more week (until 10/15).  We pray that baby would continue to thrive, that his lungs grow strong and prayers that after delivery he is able to keep his blood sugars normal therefore bypassing any need to be fed through the feeding tubes.  We pray that he will be healthy enough to go home with us after delivery and forgo any extended NICU stay.  I also ask that you pray for our sweet Beau as he has picked up a bit of a cold in recent days.  With little brother coming soon, we pray Beau will be healed quickly so he is able to meet the newest family member when it comes time.

We are very much in a day by day situation now and the plans could change at any point.  I had another ultrasound this morning and our little guy was just the sweetest.  We look forward to holding him in our arms in God's perfect timing.  And I know and believe that baby brother has an army of angels on his side ready to battle.  Thank you to all our prayer warriors, we feel your prayers and have made it far and are almost to our 34 week goal.  Now let's beat that date!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Pre-Week 34

It's Monday and another weekend in the hospital has passed us by.  There is not much to report other than baby and I continue to do well.  My BP continues to be stable and the medicine seems to be doing it's job.  This morning I had a whole round of labs and another ultrasound.  The labs all came back clear and there was no protein in my urine.  This is all great news and is an answer to prayer as we target to keep baby brother on the inside and developing for a few more weeks.  The ultrasound reported that baby is growing and thriving (and no surprise here, he is measuring big, which my babies always do).  He continues to score extremely well which indicates that he is not under duress.  In fact, I am continually told how healthy he appears.  We continue to monitor him twice daily and each time my nurses laugh at how incredibly active he is.  Of course this is no surprise to me, baby brother is constantly on the move and putting pressure all over my belly (he has switched from a breech position, to head down, and back to breech, all in 1 week).  I joke with the nurses how he is more active than his older brother was in utero and I am not quite sure what to make of that HA.  However, I am thinking that maybe the fact that he is more active in utero will mean he is my chill infant baby upon arrival- reverse psychology is a real thing, right?!  No matter what it means, I am so looking forward to seeing my boys together very soon.

My plan of care remains somewhat up in the air, however keeping both baby and I stable until 34 weeks is still our number one goal.  I will be 34 weeks this Saturday, so what happens on the days thereafter is fairly unknown.  As of this morning, my doctors (OB & high risk doctors) have agreed to delay delivery at 34 weeks if I remain stable.  If for some reason my BP elevates, then they will deliver versus increasing my medication.  I have strongly requested that we try to make it to 35 weeks and they are willing to allow me to try to make that.  The kicker is that I will have to remain in the hospital until delivery, however I would rather remain hospitalized than deliver our little one too prematurely.  Giving him more time to grow and develop is my heart's desire.  All this being said, I anticipate that baby brother will make his debut either the week of 10/10 or the week of 10/17. 
Our continued prayer request is that both myself and baby remain stable and healthy and that baby brother has plenty of time to grow and develop.  We pray for a healthy delivery, for strong lungs and strong baby.

Blake, Beau and I are so very thankful for the continued prayers.  Beau has been busy maintaining as typical a routine as possible with daddy's help.  And all the grandparents have been spoiling him to pieces with some sleep overs and fun outings.  He still comes to visit me in the hospital everyday and we do our best to fill the short amount of time with kisses, snuggles, and wheel chair rides.  By the end of his visits he is usually into everything- hospital rooms are not the most ideal for 18 mo old toddlers and all the cords and equipment call his name :)  However, I cherish every minute. 

I was blessed by an ultrasound technician that took a 3D picture of baby brother last week.   Below is our little guy and both Blake and I are guessing that he might have more of daddy's good looks than mommy's.  I know one daddy who will be very excited if that is the case since Beau takes so much after mommy.  But we shall see our sweet blessing and that beautiful face in a few short weeks. 

Hello Everybody!

Profile picture

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Status Quo

Well, baby brother and I are down 1 week and a few days of our hospital stay.  We are so thankful and encouraged by all the outpouring of love and prayers we have received throughout our first week here.

The weekend was mostly uneventful and that is just what we needed it to be!  My BP has stabilized and I have had normal to low readings since Saturday with no erratic elevations (they check my BP hourly during the day and every 4 hours during the night).  It appears the BP medicine they have me on is now working around the clock which is great news.  We pray this pattern of good and controlled BP continues.  My labs have remained clear of any issues which is also great news.  So at this point we are just happy to basically be status quo.  I have pushed back and asked the doctors many times if I could rest at home versus here in the hospital, however they have not backed down from my current plan of care.  They feel it's necessary to have me here in this controlled environment with medical care near by at all times should something change with mine or baby's health.  What can I say, I am persistent and will continue to try and ask the right questions to the doctors.  It's my opinion that we are our own biggest advocates and I would rather ask than not ask.

Baby brother is doing fabulously!  We monitor him twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening to see how his little heart and movements are doing.  And although he likes to kick up a storm during our regular checks, its such a sweet sound to hear his little heart beating away.  I have also had 3 ultrasounds since being admitted to check on his growth, movements, fluid levels etc.  Each time he has scored an 8 out of 8.  He even went ahead and did us a favor and flipped from a breech position (on Friday 9/23) to his current head down position as of yesterday morning (Monday 9/26).  His position doesn't mean much since I will be having a repeat c section, however its still good to know that he is getting himself ready.  Interestingly:  Beau was breech until 37 weeks, when I went in to my 38 week appointment, he had flipped.  So I guess I have late flippers, ha.

Blake and Beau are doing well and visit mommy daily.  Beau is getting spoiled with all the extra attention that the grandparents have given him.  Mimi has stayed over at our house a few nights to help Blake out and I know both of my boys appreciate some of the home cooking.  I am usually the cook and so this is a great help.  My parents watched Beau overnight on Friday night so that Blake could stay for a while with me at the hospital.  Friday was our dating anniversary so we had take out and hung out in the hospital room.  And Saturday, the doctor approved me for wheelchair time in which I get to leave my room for about 30 minutes a day (this is so HUGE to me!)  I hadn't been outside in a week so I cherish this time to break away from the 4 walls I stare at all day long.  Sunday, Beau got to take a ride with me and he loved it but I think I loved it more.  Spending time with him is the highlight of my day.

We continue to ask for prayers and specifically ask that I remain healthy enough to surpass the planned 34 week delivery date.  I pray the doctors will allow baby brother to grow and develop as long as possible before they force delivery.  For the time being we will try to patiently wait and then cross that obstacle when it arrives however we believe it might be possible to surpass the 34 week mark if I remain stable.  For all who are interested, 34 weeks is Saturday 10/8.

Below are some pictures of life lately:
His favorite hospital pastime, pushing the linen basket around and finding anything and everything to drop into it :)
Relaxing in Mommy's hospital bed

Coloring with Nauni at the hospital

Mimi stayed over and was there in the morning to play with me!

Mimi makes some yummy Spaghetti!

Back in Mommy's hospital bed, I feel like such a big boy!

Hanging out and having a snack.

Take out, date night in the hospital. Love this husband of mine

Baby Brother's ultrasound showed his breech position on Friday.

Surprise! I was busy over the weekend flipping into position

Lunch with Papi and Nauni.  Such a big boy in his big boy chair.

Nauni and Papi took me to run around at the art festival at market street over the weekend!!


Baby brother is growing! Ignore mommy's tired face here.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Update: Baby Brother DeArmond

Hi Everyone,

As many of you have probably heard, Blake, Beau and I have enlisted the help of our prayer warriors in recent days...thank you to all who are praying for us and for baby brother!  I decided to go ahead and create a blog in order to streamline our updates for all who are interested.

Since this is the first update, I will give a bit of a historical update to catch everyone up to speed.  In March of this year, Blake and I were blessed to find out we were expecting our second baby.  We have been extremely overjoyed and for the most part, my pregnancy has been going incredibly smoothly, excluding all those months of nausea and the regular pregnancy side effects :).  Now fast forward to this past Friday. 

I woke up Friday morning feeling a bit off however it didn't seem super abnormal since 3rd trimester exhaustion is not uncommon.  I went to work as usual and just couldn't get any "pep in my step" so I decided to head back home around lunch time and work from there for the remainder of the day.  Being home in a more relaxed setting helped me to gain some of my stamina back and we headed into the weekend ready to tackle some baby projects and family time.  On Saturday I was feeling mostly ok, yet still a bit tired however I continued on with some errands and adventures with Beau.  Then we capped off the day with our much loved game watching- Boo to OU's loss.  Sunday morning I woke up feeling crummy.  It's hard to describe however I just felt nauseous and foggy.  My sweet and supportive husband knew I wasn't feeling well so he took Beau for some park time and errands so I could rest and take a nap.  After waking from my nap I was feeling more poorly than I had been all day.  I had an intuition that something wasn't exactly right and my strong feeling was that my blood pressure might be up.  In order to gain some peace of mind, I headed over to the store to check my BP on the machine.  As expected, I got a pretty significantly high result.  After consulting with Blake and my family, I headed over to the fire station (thanks to my dad and his line of work) where the paramedics/ firemen could check it more accurately with their equipment.  Once again the results were high and it was strongly recommended that I go to the hospital.  

I was torn on if that was the right decision since I assumed they would just check me out and send me home with a  24 hour urinalysis kit to check for proteins.  However, knowing that my baby's health is most important, we decided I should go get checked out.  My mom headed over to be with Beau who was asleep for the night at this point and off Blake and I went to the hospital. 

And so the saga begins...I was admitted to the hospital on Sunday night, 9/18.  We were still not completely sure what the night or next day would hold, however I knew they wanted to monitor me closely and run some tests etc.  The night was long and left me with zero sleep.  I was having BP checks every 10-15 minutes, baby was being monitored closely which meant limited movements on my part so that he would stay on the monitor and a whole slew of additional interruptions and random tests.  To make matters more fun, I began contracting so I had nurses in my room on a constant basis to ensure we kept my contractions at bay.  To say the least, all the stress did not help my cause and I believe only encouraged any BP issues.

On Monday I was seen by my OB and by the hospital's high risk internalist as part of hospital policy.  Monday, was probably the biggest rollercoaster and whirlwind of everything thus far.  We were initially told that my urinalysis came back with proteins, then told that actually it did not, and then lastly told that they had previously incorrectly informed us and that I actually had high proteins.  So Blake and I went from feeling defeated with the first report,  to feeling completely elated that we were going to be in the clear, to devastation when we got the final word.  From there they set my plan of care.  This hit us like a ton of bricks.  It came to me as a complete surprise, however I remain confident that the Lord has a plan and that little brother and I are in His capable hands.

The plan of care:
I will remain in the hospital until I deliver.  The goal is to make it to 34 weeks at which time they will deliver baby.  After several days of discussions with the doctors, I finally feel more at peace with this plan.  Peace of mind has been my biggest struggle. 

At this time my BP is mostly stable however they have me on some meds.  I have labile BP induced by pregnancy which means most the time my BP is great and then at random it will jump up.  This can even be dependent on how I am positioned.  My labs are all perfect which is fantastic because that means that all my organs etc. are functioning properly and my latest urinalysis sample came back clear of protein.  Granted we were told that this is not a great tool and will not dictate my overall plan of care.  My labile BP is the greatest concern.

Today,  I ask for prayers of peace as we continue to trust in the doctors and their plan of care.  Prayers to know the right questions to ask.  Prayers for the doctors and nurses.  And prayers for little brother to grow and develop over these next few weeks.  Prayers that his lungs will develop and that he will be born strong and healthy.  Prayers that my contractions will stay at bay.  Prayers for Blake and Beau as they go on at home without mommy there to help. 

Thank you all for your loving thoughts and continued prayers.  And I could not close this update without a HUGE thank you to my incredible husband for all he is doing to care for me remotely and to care for our sweet Beau.  We are trying to keep life as normal as possible for Beau and Blake is such a wonderful father that he hasn't missed a beat.  I am amazed daily by his selfless heart.  Additionally, I am so thankful for my parents and my sweet mother in law, all who have stepped in to help where they can.  Including hospital visits, and helping Blake with Beau where and when they can. 

I will update this site so that family and friends near and far can stay in touch with updates.  Thanks again to everyone.  

Labor Day Weekend with my boys.

Beau drawing while visiting mommy in the hospital.

Beau loving on little brother!